All On Four Implant System

An Innovative Solution to Rebuild Your Smile: All-on-Four Treatment

In addition to aesthetic concerns, tooth loss can negatively affect the quality of daily life. Nowadays, there are many treatment methods that provide solutions to the problem of missing teeth. One option that stands out among these methods and is rapidly gaining popularity is the “all on four” treatment.

All on four treatment offers a fixed and long-lasting solution, even in the case of complete edentulism, by placing a bridge on just four implants. This treatment is also advantageous for the patient in terms of time and cost, and also provides a more natural appearance compared to traditional dentures.

Let’s look in a little more detail to understand the advantages of this innovative treatment method:

Easy Applicability: All on four treatment requires fewer implants compared to other implant methods. This makes the operation faster and easier to perform.

Fast Regeneration: Compared to traditional implant treatments, All on four treatment usually has a faster healing process. This allows patients to return to their normal lives more quickly.

Natural Look and Feel: All on four treatment provides a look and feel very similar to patients’ natural teeth. This is an important advantage for maintaining the aesthetics of the smile.

Easy Maintenance: The bridge used in the All on four treatment provides easier maintenance than traditional dentures. As it has a fixed structure, there is no problem when it needs to be removed or cleaned.

Long Lasting Solution: With the right care and regular checks, All on four treatment can last for many years. This in turn increases patients’ long-term satisfaction.

As Dentland, we aim to provide the best service to our patients by following the developing technology. With our expert team and state-of-the-art equipment, we are here to give you a natural and healthy smile.

If you are looking for a permanent solution to your tooth loss problem, you can contact us to get more information about All on four treatment.